Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Toilet Training for "dogdog"

After watching Auntie Serene bringing Damian to the toilet... she imitated them and brought her dogdog to the toilet seat as well... She even put the toilet paper and clean the "private part" of the dogdog !!!...should I faint ??? LOL :P
p:s One day, she is going to drop her dogdog inside the toilet bowl... *_*
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Photos Taken During her Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Shannon!!!

Hugs and Kisses from Daddy & Mummy...

Make a wish and blow your candles!!!

She only ate one mouth and off she went looking for her present...

This present is from Uncle Philip, Auntie Serene and Didi Damian...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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A Small Celebration for Shannon 2 year old Birthday!
We had a small Celebration for Shannon... Hope she enjoys it..
Oh ya! She loves blowing candles!!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Friday, March 23, 2007
The Very First Birthday Wishes from Xiaoyi & Ah Ma
Today is Shannon's Birthday!!! She received her very first birthday greeting from Xiaoyi and Ah Ma...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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How to....
Let Shannon show you how to eat Noodles!!
Now ... she show you how she do a Back Massage!!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

When I was closing the garden door, I saw something running, initially I thought it was a RAT!! But I never heard or see any rats in my previous stay here, so I went closer to see and thought that it was a porcupine. Jason captured it and put it in a bucket and than to a small fish tank. After reasearching on the net, we realised it is a Hedgehog. Shannon was so excited to see the hedgehog and she even wanted to put her dog inside the fish tank. I told her that the hedgehog will bite her doggy while daddy was snatching her doggy from her. She cried sadly till we told her to hold her doggy tightly. hehehe... After keeping this Exotic Pet for a few hours, we decided to let it go back to her nature habitat.... Bye Hedgehog, remember to come back and eat all the spiders in our garden....
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Last night, Shannon was moaning during her sleep. I woke up and realised that there are rashes at her lower back. I put some cream and she went back to sleep. This morning, the rashes spread to her upper back along her spine and some are found in front of her body. I called our family doctor in Singapore and was advised to apply some creme on her.
We went to see a GP and was diagnoised as Allegy. I hate Allegy!! cos it can be caused by anything!! :( Anyway, the rashes subsided at night before taking any medicine from the GP. :)
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Monday, March 19, 2007
"SIGH" Never Ending Snatching and Fighting *_*
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Celebrating Belated Birthday for Mummy and Uncle Philip
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Retribution... #_#
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Bang Bang!!
Shannon is enjoying her virtual ShOoTiNg game with her yiyi...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
Window Shopping at Bordeaux

Nothing special in the photos except our darlings and mummies.. so cute and adorable..

While taking the family photos, Shannon automatically adjust herself in the middle..

"Orchard Road" in Bordeaux

Tired??? but daddy and mummy is much more tired than you.. *_*
After daddy came back from, we went to Carrefour in Bordeaux for some groceries shopping. Took lunch at MacDonald.. Shannon had her first MilkShake and she seems to enjoy it. We went to the Vietnamese Shop which sells Chinese Vegetables/food for more groceries shopping after lunch. We headed to Bordeaux Central for some window shopping. Daddy bought a Nemo Trolley Bag for Shannon as her Birthday Present. She loves it and start pulling it after we have paid. We went home about 7pm as its getting colder (around 6 degree).. We have to give up the trip to the Fun Fair as we did not bring our winter jacket out. Shannon will be excited if we bring her there!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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