On Wednesday, Shannon's teacher told me that I could prepare lunch for Shannon as she asked her for a plate during their lunchtime. Thus I woke up at 730am this morning to prepare Fried Rice for her to bring to school. I added her favourite Green Peas to the Fried Rice! I was quite surprised when teacher told me that she actually finished her bowl of rice!
She is adapting very well in the playgroup, at least she is not struggling anymore when I bring her to the playgroup. She will still "yee yee hor hor" and clung onto me when we reached the playgroup " ... However, when I walked out the room, she would happily enjoy her time with the teacher within minutes. At least I don't feel so guilty nowadays for not spending more time to play with her.
I have done her playgroup schedules for next month. I managed to book 4 times a week for next and the following week and 3 times for the third week. I stretched her 3 hr playgroup to 4 hr to include her lunch time as well. I hope having lunch there can train her to be more independent. She will learn to sit down and finish all her food by herself.
Daddy and Shannon will miss each other when Daddy goes on afternoon shift. They will see less of each other as Daddy needs to go to work at 1:30pm whereas Shannon will reach home only at 1:15pm. When Daddy comes back at 12:00am, Shannon will already be sleeping soundly! ~_~`
Friday, June 29, 2007
Lunching at the Playgroup!
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Shannon's Mummy
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
A New Daily Workout for Shannon
Shannon loves jumping from the table to the sofa... Sometimes, she even challenge herself by moving the table further away from the sofa. She started jumping on us since she was about 18mths old and I always reminded her that she can only jump when we are around. I remember that I saw a boy who was almost 3 and yet still unable to climb onto a 3 step small slide. Thus, this practice actually builds up her confidence and her trust in us. Without us around, she don't even dare to jump from her chair onto the floor. So, I truly believe constant reminders work even on toddlers!

memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Shannon is 2 Years 3 Month Old Today
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Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Lunch Time at the Playgroup
Maybe I should let them handle her lunch as well. This will be a fantastic training for her!!! Firstly, she will learn to sit down quietly with others during lunch. Secondly, she will learn to eat all the food by herself! Lastly, I will vomit less blood at home when feeding her... hahaha
However, I am going to have big problem preparing her lunch! If you look carefully, the kids are having western food like spaghetti, pasta, ham which Shannon does not like any of it. Can you imagine if she's the only one eating chinese food? What other kinds of food can I let her bring to school? Fried Noodles? Fried Rice? Porridge? -_-'

memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My FIRST Digital Scrapbooking
My FIRST Digital Scrapbooking
This is the first time I did a Digital Scrapbooking! I wanted to try Scrapbooking long time ago but do not have the time and Scrapbooking materials can be quite expensive in Sin. It really took up so much of my time today to read, search, and download the templates as well as to design the whole thing. On top of it, I am not a very creative or artistic person, thus bear with my "creation". :P
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Shannon's Mummy
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12 Piece Puzzle
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Shannon's Mummy
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Lunch Time!
Shannon feeding herself...
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Shannon's Mummy
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Play and Dance
This video was taken on last Sunday. At least she doesn't smash the piano as often like she did when she was younger. We will try to enroll her for piano lesson next year since she loves it. Her dancing skill is also improving! ^_^
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Home Cooked Chicken Rice

Wanna to try my Chicken Rice?
Daddy and Shannon said it was nice... I called my mummy several times this morning for help. No choice lah, I have not been cooking in Singapore for the past 2 year. One of the reason is the weather in Singapore which is too warm to cook and clean up. Moreover, food is readily available in Singapore and we always take our dinner at my mummy's place. So, din really bother to cook!!! ^_^ Thus, my cooking skills are rusty liao, must really brush up! Oh yah...This is also the first time I chopped the chicken as it was usually done by Daddy.
But over here in France, I have no choice as it is somehow my responsibility. If we want to eat some specialties, like Laksa, Nasi Lemak, Handmade Noodles, Fried Carrot Cake, Chicken Curry, Hor Fan etc etc etc, we have to learn to cook ourselves. Well, I really don't mind cooking as long as someone appreciates it. When people love your food, you will find everything is worthwhile.

Oh, I have tried to grill Cha Siew last Sunday. Look nice but taste okay cos the meat was abit too dry. Will watch out next time...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Videos Taken During the Zoo Trip
Run Shannon Run
Playing With the "LION"
Guessed if we stayed longer, the trees will become bald...
Goto: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-173941517581913480
Shannon Feeding Deers Happily...
Chasing the animals... too bad the quality is not so good cos I pressed the wrong function.
Goto: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6364561573812645297
This is her first time playing with the inflatable Bouncers...
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Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tired after the Zoo Visit ^_^ Look at her sleeping pose... So sweet... hehe
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tico Tico Electone Stagea
April 2006, Christine Lew. Then 5 Years Old. Performing Tico Tico on the Electone. Bass sequenced. Remaining Performance Live by Christine.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
3 x 6 Piece Puzzles
Shannon playing with 3 x 6 piece puzzle. Her facial expressions was really cute... ^_^
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Monday, June 11, 2007
This morning, I got up only at 9am!!! Shannon's playgroup was at 9:30am!! Luckily, we managed to reach her school at 935am. She was not crying as much last week when I prepared her to school. Yeah!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
Thank you Daddy
Well, I am really happy with his suggestion and really appreciate his thoughts. When I tell him my thoughts of going back, it was really just a "thought". I jolly well know that its unjustifiable for me to go back this October. I appreciate him being so understandable and even check out the airfare.
♥♥♥Thank you, Daddy♥♥♥
We can do no great things, only small things with great love.
~Mother Teresa~
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, June 8, 2007
Sleepless Nights
I am still trying to adjust her sleeping timings as I still have to coax her for at least 1 hr then she'll fall asleep. And her waking up in the middle of the night make things worse as both of us would be too tired to wake up early in the morning. If she wakes up late in the morning, she will have a late afternoon nap and thus a late night. But for last 2 days, she only had less than 1 hr of afternoon nap which doesn't make her sleep early as well. White hair is growing all over my head... :(
However, I will still try lah. Her June's playgroup planning is done! She will have at least 3 days of playgroup weekly. Most of them starts at 9am and ends at 12pm. So she will have to wake up, have her afternoon nap, as well as her bedtime early. Yeah!
What about the night waking issue? I will bring her into the bedroom at 830pm, give her milk at 9pm and hopefully, she will sleep at 930pm. Lastly, give her another bottle of milk before I go to sleep which will be between 12am-2am. Sounds perfect isn't it! Let's see how it goes...
She seems to have accepted the fact that she has to go to playgroup no matter what. This morning, she cried when we said we were driving her to school. She sulked all the way there. As usual, she clinged onto us and cried when we reached school. After we left, she stopped crying within 5 minutes and started playing with the toys! We fetched her after 2 hrs and she reluctantly followed us home. She must have enjoyed herself in the school. However, when we asked her whether she wants to go to school, her answer is still "NO" NO HAR"..... >.<
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Adapting Well In the Playgroup

She was playing with her friends when we reached.

When she saw us, she jumped with joy and walked towards us :D

She walked to us but reluctant to leave the place!

Photos of kids who were attending the playgroup
Teacher told us that she was behaving very well today. Shannon started to communicate with teachers and friends as well as playing together with them! Moreover, we can start scheduling to 3 hrs lessons starting from next week but I would prefer to remain 2 hrs at the moment. Bravo, my dear Shannon!!! Oh ya, there will a potluck gathering in the school on 1st July and we were still considering whether to join the fun!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
Pocky Pocky

This is Eurasie, where we buy our chinese groceries. It was a medium groceries shop in Bordeaux central 5 years ago... and it has its own building now!! We usually go to the other Vietnamese shop in Bordeaux as their things are cheaper and the people are much friendlier.

Pocky Pocky, Shannon's favorite tibits
On Saturday, we went to Bordeaux to get some groceries and went back home at 4:00pm. . Daddy wanted to go to an Air Show at Mt de MARSAN tomorrow but I was reluctant especially when he said that it will be a 2 hours car ride! I told him that we can always wait for the Air Show in Cazaux Airbase although we do not know when it will be held.

On Sunday, Daddy spent the whole afternoon clearing the garden and planted some Chinese vegetables. He was really a great gardener... ^_^
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, June 1, 2007
Bon Weekend
As usual, I "dragged" Shannon to playgroup this morning and left her crying in other people's arm. I hope this kind of scenarios will end ASAP because my heart breaks every time when I send her to the playgroup. T.T She was crying for Daddy this morning, thinking that her daddy would be able to save her... :P
I went back home and spent 1.5 hrs cleaning the house and took a bath before picking her up. I doubt she can wake up at 7:45am next week, thus I changed her 2 lessons to 9:30-10:30 on Tuesday and 9:30 to 11:30 on Friday.
She cried when she saw me... wanted me to carry her and leave the place immediately. We went straight to Didi's house and had lunch there. Luckily we had at least one REALLY good friend staying around here and that makes our life less miserable... ^_^ However, sometimes I really cannot tahan our 2 lovely kids leh... always like to fight for the same toys. I wonder how long will their fights last...
Daddy is planning to bring us out this weekend. Maybe we will go to Bordeaux for some groceries shopping or bring our dear daughter to the Zoo. :D...
Bon Weekend, mon amis !!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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