We finally moved to a new house on 14 July 2009!!!
On 13 July, we went to the new house to sign the Tenancy Agreement. The moment I stepped into that house, it reminded me of the Disco Pub. Yes, the whole house smelled like Tobacco!!! I believed that the previous tednant smoke in the house all day long that actually created such a strong Tobacco smell. I am wondering whether there is any Air Freshener that can be spray on the wallpaper.
After signing the Tenancy Agreement, we rushed down to Archacon to collect the Truck we rented for the next day... We had a quick dinner kindly prepared by Irene and went back to the new house to wash the floor while Shannon stayed with her. Initially we planned to move some of our stuff over in the evening but was canceled due to bad weather. We spent about 2-3 hours washing the floor and windows and “scooping” the water out of the house. Well, there isn't a single drainage point in house except for the bathtub. We only picked Shannon up at 11pm and went back to bathe and sleep.
On 14th July, Jason’s friends arrived at 930am to help us to move. It was a challenge for them because we had tons of things to move! Our plan was actually to move the big items like the furniture and packed boxes. However, they are really kind enough to make 5 trips to and fro and they moved EVERYTHING to the new house. We really owe them a dinner as they have been a great help to us. Thanks to Eddie, Chew, Dan, Kent & Derrick!!
We are still cleaning, unpacking and setting up our new home. There will be no internet connection up for at least 14 days from now. I am now using Jason HTC to connect to the internet. My hands and legs are aching like hell and to make it worse, I couldn’t have a good night sleep since last Saturday due to night coughing. The skin on my fingers started to cracked one by one due to the all the cleaning. I have to plaster it on day time and put tons of hand crème before sleep.
I would like to specially thank Irene. She helped me to take care of Shannon’s needs during this period which kept a huge load off mind. I am really glad to have met all these new friends since 2 years ago which made life here more memorable. ^_^
OLD HOUSE @ Gujan Mestras
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Finally Moved
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
friends commented ^_^
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Recovering And Moving
I hope/think Shannon had recover from the Viral Fever!!
Shannon woke up with a high fever at 40.5 degrees yesterday morning but after the fever subsided, it never came back till now. (crossed my fingers) However, I felt sick when I woke up on Friday morning and I believed that I had caught her cough virus. The symptoms are almost the same as sometimes I really coughed till I puked. I wanted to see a doctor on Saturday morning and only realised that no clinic open on weekends. :( The doctor from the hospital prescribed a cough medicine that she only requires to drink at night. I researched from the website that this medicine is to curb the itchiness in the throat and prevent puking. Thus, I "kapok" some her cough medicine and was feeling much better today.
In fact, this is wrong timing to be sick as we are busy packing and cleaning to move to another house tomorrow. The thought of moving to a bigger house with an extra room had been there since last year. We have been looking around and viewing houses since February but to invalid as either J or me didn't like the house. Last month, when we went to Laforet to check on a house, the agent suggested another house to us. We immediately went to see the exterior of the house and this time both of us love it.
Well, it reminded me when J asked me last year whether I want to move to a bigger house and my answer was:
" donwan lah, need to top up the rent leh (Our rental fees are paid by the company to a certain limit) ... unless it's a HOUSE, a standalone house that is surrounded by gardens, not terrace nor Semi D and no double storey. "
And yes, it's a house we are moving to!! A house that is surrounded by gardens. A house that come with 3 bedrooms, one enclosed kitchen, one garage and one big living cum dining area. The house is about 104msq with 400msq garden. It's about 10 minutes drive to Shannon's school. Well, we have to top up a bit but I think it is worth it as we really have no chance staying in such a house when we go back Singapore..... :P
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
friends commented ^_^
Friday, July 10, 2009
Viral Fever - Day 5
Yesterday, I was thinking of bringing her to see the PD for the 2nd time. I am worried that it was more than a viral fever. I am worried that she had UTI as her urine looked very yellowish. I am afraid that the febrile fits will hit again and moreover her cough is getting from bad to worse. She complains about the pain in her throat and had refused to drink her milk for the past 2 days. I called the PD at 11am but the clinic was closed or not yet opened. I talked to one of my friends and realised that the PD will just do a prescription for us to go to the pharmacy to get a bottle for urine and than bring it to the Lab after urine samples are collected. I called J and we decided that we would bring her to the hospital if her fever is still high in the evening.
Last night, she was grouchy after waking up from her afternoon nap. She was coughing non-stop and she was running a high fever of 39.7 degrees. I fed her with some fever medicine and took her for a shower to cool down the temp before we headed to the Hospital. As usual, fever subsided slightly by the time the doctor sees her. I hate this kind of scenario; it makes us looked like super kancheong parent who loves to visit the A&E. Shannon was behaving so active that no one believed that she was a sick child. Communication is another big problem, we told the doctor that our French was bad and she started to talk to Shannon. And Shannon went Oui Oui Oui (yes) when the doctor was pressing her body asking her whether it was painful. @_@
The doctor went out after checking her and came back half an hour later asking us to bring her for Chest X-Ray. After X-Ray, we waited for another half an hour for her blood test. They gave her Entonox to use. While she was happily breathing in and out using the Entonox, the nurses were drawing her blood. I can see she jerked her hand slightly when the needle was poked inside and she nodded her head when I asked her whether it was painful. I am surprised and proud of her cuz she didn't tear for the whole procedure but that's most probably due to the Entonox she was using.
After the blood test, the I.V value was left on her hand in case they need it later. After 15 minutes, Shannon started to cry saying that her injection site was painful and she wanted to go home. She wanted to be carried and she fell asleep after coaxing her for another 30 minutes. We waited for another hour before the doctor came back with the result. She tried to speak to us in English but we had a hard time understanding it. She asked us to continue with the fever medicines; stop the cough and throat medicine. She prescribed us another type of cough medicine which only use ONCE at night and Nasal Spray to be used twice a day. We couldn't understand her at all when we asked about the test result for the X-ray, urine and blood. We assumed that everything was alright since she let us home. The nurses came and took out the I.V. value and Shannon was crying in tears this time. She was running a high fever at 39.3 degrees when we left the Hospital.
Although it was a relieved that she was only having a Viral Fever after so many tests but I still couldn't help feeling guilty of having my dear girl to go thru all the tests. She could have skipped the entire test if we waited for another day or 2. :(
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
friends commented ^_^
Labels: Shannon
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fever Attack
Shannon was having fever since Monday 5am. Her fever subsided after a dose of Advil but came back fiercely last evening and went up and down till now. I had brewed some "Ling Yang" but she refused to drink it. We had to monitor her to make sure that her fever is below 39 degrees because of the fear of febrile fits. We sponged her last night at 11pm and made sure her fever was at 38 degree before we went back to sleep. I woke up at 3am and 8am to feed her with fever medicine keeping her fever below 39 degrees.
This morning, I brought her to see a PD and was prescribed more Doliprane and Advil together with a medicine for her throat inflammation and cough medicine. According to the PD, she is having a Viral Fever that will continue for a few more days thus he didn't prescribe any antibiotic for her throat inflammation. I brewed some Barley water but dare not give her too much as elderly said it will create phlegm if she is coughing. Her fever rose to 39 degrees this afternoon and I sponged her again and managed to get down below 38 degrees. However, it came back 3 hours later and I had to coax her to take a shower. After the shower, her temp went down below 38 degrees. I was relieved slightly but her fever came back at 38.5 degrees half an hour later. I gave her another dose of fever medicine and pray that her fever will goes away soon.
Her fever seems to be really bad this time. She looks much more lethargic, her appetite is poor, she complains about coldness more and she feels tired and sleepy after a while. Probably, the weather had caused her sickness. 1 week ago, it was so hot and warm everyday and now it rains almost everyday. I really hope she will recover soon as we are now busy packing and cleaning to move into our new rented house next Monday. "sigh"
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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