It's been years since I visited this blog of mine.. brought back so much sp much memories...
We are back in Sg in 2011 and we have an additional member in our family in 2014.
So many things has changed. . Although I am still a SAHM but I do not have much time to blog now.. I am sending no.2 to childcare soon and hopefully I can pick up this blogging hobby again..
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, November 6, 2009
Flying Again...
J will be joining us in Singapore 2 weeks later as I need to help my sis with some of the wedding preparation and also sending Shannon to some "crash course". She will be 5years old in 5 mths time and she still doesn't know her ABC and Phonics well. It's common for French as they start learning ABC next year but to Singaporean, the kids are expected to know their ABC when they are going to K1 next year!!! Hopefully, she can pick up something and I can start coaching her when we are back in France.
Oh ya, whenever we tell Shannon that we are going back to Singapore, she will make sure that she will be able to come back as she regards France as her HOME. Anyway, we will be flying tomorrow and now I am already looking forward to the date to come back here again... LOL...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Shannon's Class Photos..

The French Women on the right was the Teacher Olivia and the one on the left is the Class Assistant.

We were given an folders that consists of Shannon's Photo taken in the school 3 weeks ago.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Labels: Shannon
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween 2009
We brought Shannon to Auchan for a free face painting in the afternoon to attend a Halloween gathering at our friend's house. She was so excited when she saw the booth and requested for a purple butterfly to be painted on her face. We taught her how to say "Purple Butterfly" in french and she started to recite "Papillon Violet" when she was queing up for her turn. Hehe
After the face painting, we tried to look for a costume for her because I didn't really see any that fancy me previously. As it was the day of Halloween, all the costumes had almost sold off, thus I decided to go home and dressed her up with whatever we had at home. :P
In the end, I used our Chinese Qipao bought during Chinese New Year. I pinned a few spiders on her clothes, tied a long devil's tail on her waist, put on a devil hairband and messed up her hair. Voila! A Devil in a Chinese Qipao...LOL
After taking some food at the gathering, we brought the kids to neighours' house for Tricks or Treat. The first house visit was a disappointment as the french neighour literally ignore us. However, we continued to look for other neighours and decided to visit our Singaporeans' neighbour instead. Well, after visiting a few houses, we decided to go back as the streets were really dark and quiet. We distributed the sweets to the kids and let the kids played in the garden instead.
Overall, we had great fun that night. This is the first time that I really dress Shannon up for Halloween night and I can see that she enjoyed the night too. ^^
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sleeping By Herself

We bought this bed for Shannon upon her request sometimes in August. J wanted wean off the co-sleeping and asked her to choose a bed that she love. And she chose the above which cost almost SGD 1 K!!!
I remember the first day she slept on her bed, she actually went up and down the bed for a few times finding excuses of washing hands or need to pee. After about spending 2 hours in her room, she decided to sleep with us and told us that she is too young to sleep by herself. (LOL)
Then J and myself take turns to sleep with her in her bedroom for a few times. After she fell asleep, we would go back to our room but she will definitely joined us in our bed if she woke up in the middle of the night. I am fine with it as I feel that she would definitely wanted to sleep by her own when she grows up so I should treasure this moments. However, we constantly remind her that we would give away her precious bed since she is not sleeping it.
3 days ago, when all of us was about to sleep, she suddenly said that she wanted to sleep in her princess bed. We left her in her room with the door open and the toilet's light shining in her room and went back to our room. And TADA, she successfully fell asleep and even she woke up in the morning to pee, she will go back to her bed and continue to sleep.
Last night, she fell asleep in the living rooms and we have no way to carry her up the bed and thus she slept with us again. She said that she will go back to her bedroom tonight and I hope she mean it.. hehehehe
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
friends commented ^_^
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sushi & Monopoly

One of the Sunday, we decided to make some sushi. Shannon tried the sushi she made and began to eat non-stop. ^^
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
* Two Little Sweeties *
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Labels: Dailybits, Shannonfriends
Seasons Changing = Falling Sick
After the Lantern Festival Celebration, Shannon had fever that night and the following night. I brought her to the GP on Monday and he said she had throat inflammation. After taking medicine, her fever went away thus I brought her to her first Music Lesson on Wednesday.
The kids can only start learning piano at 5 years old in France. Thus, we can only let them go to elementary course conducted by the private music school. The course fees was 99Euro per year. They will get to know and learn to play with all kinds of musical instruments found in the school. In the later part of the lessons, they will learn about music notes and at the end of the course, the instructor will advise us which musical instrument to let the kids begin with for the next year.
Since her fever never come back after 2 days, I decided to let her go back to her school on Thursday. Well, the moment I brought her back from school, her fever shot up to 40 degrees and we went to see a PD on Friday. PD said she might have lung inflammation and ask me to observe her for another 2 days before he prescribe antibiotics for her. Her cough seems to get worse on Friday and she had high fever once a day for Friday and Saturday. Luckily, her fever didn't come back on Sunday but I decided to bring her to the PD again and this time round, he prescribed the antibiotic. After taking the antibiotic, her cough was under control and fever was gone and she resumed her 2nd lesson for Music on Wednesday and school on Thursday.
2nd Music Lesson
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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