Friday, September 26, 2008

Winning the HFMD Battle

Poor Shannon looking grumpy on Tuesday ...

The ulcers inside her mouth had make her mouth/cheek swollen!!


Thank you for all the well wishes!!!

Shannon is recovering well. ^_^ She is eating well these 2 days and had resumed her milk consumption. Ulcers in her mouth is almost cleared... Those tiny rashes on her hands and foot had also subsided. The "long gao" smell in her mouth has improved too as hardworking Daddy spent about half an hour every morning to coax her to brush her teeth. But I really do not know WHEN is she consider "FULLY RECOVERED" because according some website, the virus will stay in the body up to several weeks. :>O

I am glad that most of Shannon's friends have recovered too. However, there are new cases surfacing at the same time. "Sigh" Poor Kiddies and mummies..I really hope all this HFMD thingy will go away asap.

I had stopped the barley water since yesterday as it could to be too "liang" and cause her to have slight cough. However problem of drinking more water is solved shortly...

Hehehe... She drank about 7-10 teapot of water today!!!!

8 friends commented ^_^:

Mommy Lose Weight said...

yeah ! the battle has won!
go far away HFMD!

Anonymous said...

so happy she's alright now! gonna see her sooon omygoshhhhh my baby shannon! :D

Chinneeq said...

good to hear that Shannon is fine now.

Health Freak Mommy said...

Is that a masak-masak set? Good way of making a kid drink water eh? Thank God Shannon has won the battle!
Oh, I really love the last pic. What software is that?

Shannon's Mummy said...

@ ling, prettypoop, chinneeq - Yeah!!! TQ TQ !! Battle WON!!

@ healthfreakmommy - You are right.. Its from the masak set.. hehehe.. the last pic was made from Fun Pix at ;p

thatmomoffour said...

Very glad to hear Shannon is feeling so much better! Its been a tough week for many of us manz.

Shannon's Mummy said...

@ dawn.. yeah! boring weeks ahead..

Bengbeng said...

so glad the worst is over