Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lantern Festival Celebration 2009

Last Saturday, we had a Lantern Festival Celebration at my house. We invited 6 other families to join in the fun, every family brought some food to our place for potluck dinner.

Right after dinner, we had riddles for adult to guess prepared by Meizhen & Clara. Everyone went to the lanterns hanging outside and chose a riddle to answer. Well, the riddles were kind of difficult for us.. we had a hard time solving it. For those who solved the riddle, they got a small gift from Meizhen & Clara.

After the riddles, Serene hosted another game called "Deal or No Deal". Everyone had to contribute $5 to enter this game and the player who was picked gets to win a prize of $0.01 to $60 euros. Our professional Serene Leong even bought a set of props for this. I was picked 2 times and won a total of $16. It was fun but unforunately the game could only be played 5 times cuz it had to end as it was getting late. The remaining cash was given to Roy who was luckily picked by the host at the end of the game.

After the games ended, all the kids put on their jacket and carried paper lanterns in the garden. There were no fantasy/electronic lanterns sold over here. All we had were paper lanterns we bought 2 years ago but the kids still enjoyed carrying their lanterns round the house again and again. :)

How was your lantern festival this year? :)

5 friends commented ^_^:

Chinneeq said...

WAH...hanging the lanterns so high up? how to replace the candle when its out?

JK said...

Jas, I like your spirit in celebrating all the Chinese festivals although you are in France.

Shannon's Mummy said...

@ Chinnee - We used candles that can last for 4 hr.. hehe

@ Jo-N - Funny right? In Singapore, we don't do it at all. Because everyone have to work and most of us are staying in HDB. Sometimes, the atmosphere of the festival are more in France. hehe

Bengbeng said...

it puts us to shame seeing how creative u are to preserve our cultural roots

Shannon's Mummy said...

@Bengbeng- Nah.. we don't do this when we are back in Singapore at all.. hehehe