She took a "power nap" in the afternoon. No matter how I coaxed her, she does not want to continue her nap. I gave up my intention after an hour and decided to let her sleep early tonight.
While she was drinking her soup during dinner, I took the dishes to the basin. The next moment I turned around, I saw her head turning left and right and then onto the table...
She actually fell asleep! Then I called out her name and took my camera out... hehehe
Hopefully, she don't sleep too late tonight.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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A Major Decision
Finally, had a good long talk with daddy last night. We have decided to plan for "a" sibling for Shannon!
"A" - hopefully, it's an "a" not 2 or more... I really cannot handle ...
Frankly speaking, I am not ready or rather forever not ready for No.2 . After much thinking, I know one day I will give in to daddy. Thus I decided to give in earlier as I do not want their age gap to be too big.
Hopefully, everything will turn out well...
Wish me LUCK!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Outing Cancelled
Daddy got to work today thus La Coccinielle Outing was cancelled today. Well, a bit disappointed but surprising a good decision. The weather was not good today, a bit of sun and drizzing once a while. Definetly not a day for enjoying ourselves in the Park.
A boring day...
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Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, July 28, 2007

After breakfast at MacDonald, we went straight to Lye Kim Hak in Bordeaux. Got ourselves some stuffs and went shopping at Factory Outlets in Merignac. The place are big with several factory warehouse. However, we did not really spent much as some of the stuffs were still quite expensive. After walking around for 2 hrs, we went to Merignac Carrefour for more groceries shopping. We went to a Chinese Restaurant for a buffet dinner. It was 16 euro per adults and the spread was not attractive at all... I missed the sharkfin soup 3 years ago....

memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, July 27, 2007
Summer Holiday Starts!!
Opps.. I think I have gotten used to mornings without her... hehehe.. Okay Okay.. I know I am not a good mummy for saying that but going to playgroup few hours a day did benefit the both of us. She is more independent and sociable now, got few hours a day enjoying playing with her ever changing friends and she got to expose herself to more activities like playing with sand, sing-a-long and arts etc... As for me, I have more time for my housework, my blogging and net surfing...Hopefully, she will have no problem with the playgroup after the holidays...
I am so tired now cos I spent 3 full hours this morning packing, vacuuming, mopping the whole house despite my neck not fully recovered yet...However, I am looking forward to this weekend! As usual, Saturday will be a marketing and shopping day and this Sunday, we are going to Parc de la Coccinelle! It claimed to be the top children's park in Europe dedicated to domestic animals, 800 animals to meet, run around with and to stroke.
Sound really great right! I am going to take tons of photos and blog abt it.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Au Revoir, Shannon

When I picked Shannon up yesterday, there is this little French Boy running towards the gate and said Au Revoir to her with a pat on her head as well. **so cute**
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Recently, Shannon got interested in looking at the MOON... Everyday she will want to go outside and find her MOON. I brought her out to cycle after dinner for the past 2 days when she asked for it.
Below are some conversations between us.
Shannon - Mummy, where Moon? Moon?
Me - It's too early now... later you will see the moon.
Shannon - Ooorhhh...
Recently she "Ooorhh" alot and "Ooorhh" at funny times....Anyway....when she sees the moon, she will go...
Shannon - Mummy!! I see "the"(mumbled) Moon.
Me - Oh! Where is the moon?
Shannon - There! High "in the"(mumbled) Sky
Then she will continue to repeat the above and mumbled to me for a while but If she can't find it....
Shannon - Mummy! Where's "the"(mumbled) moon?
Me - It's behind the clouds.
Shannon - Oh No... (looking up the sky)
Me - Don't worry, when the clouds move away, you can see the moon!
Shannon - Mummy! Moon arh..Moon arh.. where?
Me - Can you see the clouds moving?
Shannon - Yes...
Me - So, when the wind blows the clouds away, you will be able to see the moon again.
Shannon - Yes!
Shannon looking at the sky waiting for the moon to reappear...
Shannon - Mummy! Where 'the' moon?
Shannon - Mummy! I find!
Shannon - Mummy Mummy! I find it. I see "the" (mumbled) moon!
Me - Oh! You found it... You found the moon! ..
Shannon - Yes, mummy.. I see "the" (mumbled) moon..High "in the" (mumbled) sky..
Then she will start the whole thing again.... going on and on and on.....
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Not my day...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
Shannon Started To Paddle her Tricycle
Shannon started to paddle her tricycle!
My neck is slightly better today after taking "panadol extend" and chinese "Orh Yok Yee" plus pasting 2 "salonpas" I started to prepare and cooked dinner this evening and finally able to mop the floor which I wanted to do since last Friday. Pray hard that my neck is better tomorrow cos I need to drive her to school... sigh... I hate spraining/straining here and there.. .it takes longer time to recover here...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
I should have taken some medicine before we go out to at least relieve the neck pain. However, we went ahead with weekly groceries shopping and reached home at 4pm. Daddy did try his best to help me with Shannon and everything he can.
Why am I having neck pain or stiff neck so often???
I really hate all this kind of neck/back/waist pain! I feel paralysed and helpless. I hate the feeling of relying on others. I missed my mum...she is the only one that I can totally rely on during this period. She will help me with everything and anything, she will make sure that I get enough rest and don't strain myself any further... I really miss her...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, July 20, 2007
Long Day...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Fever Subsided
Daddy came home slightly later than usual as he went to collect the boxes which we tagged along with his friend's shipment. While we were unpacking , Shannon wanted to ride her tricycle. As the weather was quite cold outside, daddy cleared and created some space in the living room for her to cycle.
After daddy stacked the bouncer on the sofa he pushed aside, the living room looked spacious!!! Frankly speaking, I really missed the "SPACE" ever since the bouncer was bought back. I took the chance to vacuum the floor and daddy decided to change the orientation of the furniture to create more space! We didn't managed to finish everything as we need to let her sleep early.
Sometime I really cannot "tahan" my dear girl, she really takes after me, even though she woke up at 230pm this afternoon, she still can "dong" till 11pm!
I will send her to playgroup if she is not feverish tomorrow. At the same time, I need to schedule her playgroup timing for the coming weeks. I did my last scheduling at 9am and I only managed to book 3-4 times weekly. Thus, I have to be early and Kiasu tomorrow!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Fever Fever Go Away!!!
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Shannon's Mummy
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We went HyperU after her playgroup with Serene and Damian. The kids were really having fun in the supermarket! Well, I don't see her kicking balls at home or in the garden but she really loves to do it in the supermarket. Then, she saw a walker and insisted to sit in it. (She used to sit in her walker in Singapore during dinner time at my mum's house, maybe she misses something???) I put her in and she sat quietly and happily playing with the toys on it. After about 10 minutes, a sales assistant came over and I tried to remove her from the walker. Shannon refused to get up by holding onto the toys and the sales assistant thought she was stuck in it. After much struggling, she finally relented and get out of the walker.
I bought a fish by the name of "Maigre" from the supermarket and we proceed home. Shannon dozed off in the car on the way back home. She slept for about two and half hour and woke up crying. At that moment, I was having a video conferencing with Xiaoyi and she managed to make Shannon smile by playing "peek a boo" with her and making funny faces.
Daddy came back at 6 plus and started to "handle" the fish I bought. Luckily, the steamed fish turned out to be quite nice. We usually buy fish by the name BAR and I couldn't find any today. Most of the fishes sold in the market look so fierce with sharp teeth. After wondering awhile, I set my eyes on the fish name Maigre.
The "maigre", a fish of the region
The maigre is found in coastal water. The adult maigre is at least 50 cms long. It reproduces during May - June in the estuary of the Gironde. It is caught along the coast by fishermen from the harbours of La Rochelle, La Cotinière, in the island of Oléron, and Royan.
The maigre is little known except in the region. It is said that this typical sort of Charente-Maritime fish has flesh so fine and is so full of flavour that it compares favourably with sea bass.
Bar (French) - referring to bass in English
A general term used for many, sometimes unrelated, fresh- and saltwater fish, many with spiny fins. More Info can be found here
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Bubbles Bubbles

Daddy came back with 2 bottles of soap bubbles today. Daddy gave one bottle to her and she started blowing the bubbles happily. However, I think she wasted at least half of the bottle. ^_^
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Monday, July 16, 2007
This is only the 2nd time I am by her side during injection, Daddy was always the one with her. I am a person who is really phobia about injection, even though I went thru a lot (typically became a pin cushion) during IVF procedures. But I am still damn scare about the needle! Whenever, I need to have my blood draw, I willl beat the "spot" furiously in order for the nurse to see the vein and cut down the chances of 2nd poke!

memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
A Perfect Sunday
Morning - Lazing around watching her favourite "Little Einstein"
After cycling, we had our dinner at the garden with Uncle Philip's Family. I cooked Bak Kut Teh with Cai Buay and Loh Bak. Too bad, the weather changed drastically from warm to cold, thus we had to finish our dinner fast and moved into the house. Overall, it's a tired day but a really Perfect Sunday ever since we relocated here.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Busy Busy
It's a trolley car rented from Auchan. It cost 4 euro but the token can be reusable. Shannon simply loves it and so are we... At least we can do some grocery shopping in "PEACE" while she enjoying her driving.
After grocery shopping, we went to Zara Kids and Kiabi to grab some clothes for Shannon...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Rashes Again :(

memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Cheeky Shannon
Look at her funny facial expression... sometimes really cannot tahan her... so so so cute... hahaha
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A Visit to the PD
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Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, July 8, 2007

However...we had only grown 2 stalks of 小白菜 successfully!! >_<
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Splash! Splash!
Daddy took out the inflatable swimming pool he bought few months ago. Shannon was so excited to jump into the pool when she saw it.
An hour later, we had to drag her out of the pool as she was shivering. She was screaming and kicking as she wanted to play more.
Click on the following link for more video clips!!! Enjoy!!!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Memories of "The Making of Shannon Lee Si Ying"

Did you know that Shannon is made in France, produced in Singapore? The Frenchman in the photo is Dr. Emperaire Jean-claude who did the IVF for us! Shannon is actually a test-tube baby! He was the one who made our dream come true. We are really blessed that we succeeded on the first attempt of IVF! We went to his clinic last Saturday to thank him and at the same time, enquired about our 6 frozen embryos. Memories of " The Making of Shannon" came back vividly after the visit...Read on if you are interested... hehe...but abit long lah..
** Nasal Spray at certain hrs everyday for about 2 weeks, which will temporarily suppress the pituitary gland so that the stimulation of my ovaries can be more controlled.
** After a few ultra scans and blood tests, HCG was the final injection and that initiates the final stage of maturation and timing of the egg retrieval.
** The egg retrieval procedure was a nightmare to me. Can you imagine I had gone thru the following procedure without Anesthesia!!
"This method by which the eggs are retrieved at PFC is an ultrasound directed Needle Aspiration. The ultrasound probe with a needle guide is placed in the vagina, which allows an aspiration needle to be INSERTED through the upper portion of the vagina directly into the ovary. The ultrasound image allows the physician to accurately guide the needle into each follicle for aspiration or "suction". As the fluid is aspirated, the egg is released and collected in the laboratory. The retrieval process takes approximately 15-30 minutes."
I couldn't scream during the procedure, I had to hold my breath, bite my lips, clenched my fist the moment when one follicle was aspirated. I had 11 follicles at that time!!! 11 times of Needle Aspiration!!! My tears rolled down uncontrollable due to the pain and continued for quite awhile after the whole procedure.
** After the eggs were retrieved, they started the process of fertilization (the union of the sperm and egg). The fertilized eggs are now called embryos. We had 8 embryos fertilized successfully. After 5 days, I had 2 embryo transferred. This procedure was fast and painless. However, I would need to have a weekly injection on my butt for 3 months to maintain the progestrone level in my body.
A week after the embryos was transferred, we were relocated back to Singapore and I was confirmed pregnant with one baby the week after next.
The pregnancy journey was considered smooth for me except having Amniocentesis. I had high risk (1 out of 99) having a Down Syndrome Baby after the NT Scan around 14 weeks, thus we opted for amniocentesis to confirm it. Again, a LONG, THIN, HOLLOW needle was inserted through my abdominal wall and into the sac of fluid around my baby to withdraw small amount of amniotic fluid. Well, you should know the result....
Lastly, the arrival of Shannon! Another tough procedure...We guessed she was too comfy inside the womb and refused to come out even after 41 weeks. Thus, my gynea arranged me to be admitted to the hospital for induction on 20th March 2005.
On 22nd March 2005, I was wheeled to the labor room at 10pm due to the unbearable achy pain around my back. My gynea arrived soon and my cervix was still only 2cm dilated! He burst the water bag; put me on drip (another way of induction) hoping that it will speed up the labor. The pain became more and more intolerable. My mind was blank and couldn't recall anything taught at the antenatal class and finally I relented for having epidural. The pain went away immediately and we were able to catch some sleep.
Daddy, have you really thought over twice and thrice on this issue? C'mon, you only use your mouth and I am the one who is going to get into trouble... Don't misunderstood, I am not complaining, you are a great father and hubby (paiseh, 80% only and u know why :P). You did help me with housework and spent time with Shannon. However, the time you "NEED" to spend and care for them can NEVER be more than me...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
Videos And Photos
Shannon was hooked to this "Baby Gymnastic" at Toys R' Rus. She enjoys jumping and turning around with it. We gave this a miss as we think that she is too "old" for it! ^_^
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Shannon's Mummy
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