She sang recite some songs inside the videos. I am wondering whether she inherited her father singing "talent"!!! She sang the songs with no rhythm at all!!! It's more like reciting the song... -_-'
Ohya, she learned to speak like us ending sentences like "you know".. We used to tell her something like "Shannon, will fall down, you know?" And now she end most of her sentences with "you know" too. For example " Mummy, I am reading, you know" "Mummy, its morning, you know" etc etc etc
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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Labels: Shannon
Summer Party @ Zavier House
Last Thursday, we went to a Summer Party organised by Zavier's Mummy, Serene. It was a fun morning for the kids. They are having fun for all the activities organised by Serene & her friends. The village are having a another Kampong Fun Fair this Friday with games for the kids and adult!!!
Snake & Laddle

Throwing PingPong Ball
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Shannon's Mummy
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Labels: Gathering, Shannon, Shannonfriends
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
J phoned the biologist this morning and was told that the last embryo did not survived to be cyro-preserved. Now we can only pin our hope on the embryo that is transferred into my uterus yesterday.
I am having bad rashes mostly on lower part of my body recently. I told the doctor that it might be allergy caused by the estrodiol pills I am taking but she said it was impossible. I really do not know how what had caused the rashes other than that. I am also having a really bad cough after taking some pineapple (which said to be helping implantation) last night. Well, things are not really going smoothly for me.
Anyway, I will be having another Progesterone Injection tomorrow "OUCH" and I will need to go back to the fertility clinic on Saturday to do a blood test to check on my Progesterone and Estrogen Level.
10 more days before the HCG blood test. Let's just keep our finger crossed hoping the miracle happens to us again.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
IVF - One Blastocycts Embryo Transferred
I had one Blastocycts Embryo Transferred this afternoon. If I am not wrong, only 2 out of 9 embryos survived thru the stage of blastocycts. We will need to call back tomorrow to see how the last one is going. If it survives, it will be cyropreserve (frozen). Hopefully, the one in my uterus now is the BEST embryo and make me a mummy again. I will be having my blood test on 2 Aug to confirm whether it is successful. Wish Me Lots of Lucks! :)
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Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
IVF - 9 out of 10 Embryos still growing
J phoned the biologist this morning and was told that 9 out of 10 embryos were still growing well. J requested to do the transfer today but the biologist still suggests doing it on Tuesday instead. Before J could finished the sentences on reminding her that our 9 embryos were dead last time while trying to do 5 days transfer, the biologist cut him off and told him that she knew and they had new "equipment" this time and they are doing 5 days transfer most of the time recently. So we will be calling back on Tuesday and most probably do the transfer that day!
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Saturday, July 19, 2008
IVF - 10 Embryos Fertilized
J called the Biologist this morning and was informed that 10 out of 12 embryos were fertilized. The biologist suggested that we can wait for 4-5 days to do blastocycts transfer but I was reluctant this time due to the last experience. I do not really want to go thru the Egg Retrieval again as it was really painful. Last time, we tried to get 9 embryos to blastocycts, most of them were growing well on the 4th day but all were died on the 5th day!! I do not want to take the risk again although I am risking myself for having twins instead. However, we will call the biologist tomorrow for further instructions.
Shannon had been crying to go to Damien house these 2 days. I said NO this morning and she went to push a chair from the dining table. She said she wanted to get the keys and open the door!!! Thus I brought her over while Serene asked me go home to take more rest. Shannon stayed happily at Damien's house till 6pm and I felt really blessed to have such a helpful friend. :)
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
IVF - Egg Retrieval
Today is the Egg Retrieval Day. Luckily, Serene (Damian's Mummy) helped us to take care of Shannon for the day. I have also arranged Irene (Avril's Mummy) to help me fetch them to Creche. Anyway, I brought her to her place at 6am and went to the fertility clinic.
We did the Admission of Hospital and waited 1.5hr my turn to do Egg Retrieval. During the waiting, J went to provide his sperm sample for the eggs. I changed and went in to the operating theatre while J waited outside. I was knocked out by anesthesia soon after.
They successfully retrieved 12 eggs from my ovaries. I was feeling very cramp-y after the Egg Retrieval. I was discharged at noon and went home straight away. J went to work at 130pm after sending me back home while I slept for the day. I was kind of regret that I din ask him to take leave because it was simply painful. The pain was something like menstruation cramp but worse then it. The process of retrieving the eggs out of my bodies has created some wind inside my tummy which makes it even painful. At some moment, I had dizzy spells while I was enduring the pain. Luckily, Serene helped me to take care of Shannon till 9pm. I coaxed her to sleep right around 10pm while I waited J to come back from work as I need to take the Progesterone Injection. Damn... the needle was thick and long but this time the injection was not as painful as the one I had few days ago. I kind of force J to confirm/see the IM injection site for the information on the website and he finally admitted that he might have hit the wrong place for the last injection. T.T
We will be calling back on Saturday morning to check how many embryos have survived and will be transferring 2 embryos either on Sunday or Monday!!
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
IVF - HCG Triggers
This morning, we went to the fertility clinic for follow up on my IVF. Again, kenna poke 2 times during blood test. After so many poking, my left hand surrendered...the nurse couldn't draw any blood from my left hand even after several attempts of turning the needle left and right #%$#%&&*&%. Luckily, this time my right hand was co-operative or else I think they will draw the blood from my vein around my wrist.
My gynae was not around for some reasons and the other lady gynae took over. My appointment was at 930am and I waited for 1.5 hr for my turn. I did go up to the secretaries and check out when is my turn and the nurse told me the next one. However, I waited another 3 - 4 patients before my turn and those patients were not as early as me. The lady gynae must have skipped my turn to attend to her patients instead. The most frustrating part is she did not update me the growing process of the eggs. She just said: “We will trigger tonight and do Egg Retrieval on Thursday. Fine.. Really had no mood to check with her anything. After collecting some necessary documents and prescription from the secretaries, we went to MacDonald at La Teste to have our lunch.
After lunch, we proceed to the hospital to get more medicine for J. Since he will be casted till Aug 5, he will need the daily injection till then. Talking about him, he is walking on his injured leg now. Well, the doctor did say that he could start putting "some weight from this week, but he literally walks on it everyday. Nagging at him seems useless and hopefully everything will be okay for him.
At night, we realized that we forgot to ask the gynae which injection site we should do for the HCG triggers. According to the medicine instruction, we need it to inject on the buttock but I remembered that it can be done on the stomach area as well. Anyway, J did the injection on my buttock for safe sake. Damn, it was so painful... T.T I am glad that I had finished those injections but I still have to fear the long and fat needles for progesterone injection on my transfer date. T.T I wonder how I did it last time when I am trying to conceive Shannon. Maybe, I was really desperate for a baby last time....
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Shannon's Mummy
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What A Day...
First thing in the morning, I realized my left hand was painful when used at a certain angle. Then, I kind of sprained my neck when I was bending down picking some paper up. I took some bread and painkiller in the car while we were on the way to the fertility clinic. And when it was my turn for blood test, I kenna poked 2 times! They tried to draw blood from my right hand since my left hand still looked bruised after the last blood drawn. They failed and look at vein my right wrist; I shook my head and asked them to take it from my left hand instead. Oh well, it’s much painful than last week but I think it should be better than taking it from my right wrist???
Then I went to see my gynea and after examination, he told me that the follicles are growing well. There are about 6-7 follicles growing on each side of my ovaries, the follicles on the right side is bigger. Our next appointment will be on Saturday, another blood test and most probably Egg Retrieval will be between Wed to Friday. Egg Transfer will probably be the week after. Finally, we are at the middle of the IVF.
I pray miracle happen to ME again after going thru so much pain. Ohya.. my mood swings badly these few days and guessed it will going to be like tat till the end of IVF due to the 2 hormone injections I am going thru now. Poor Shannon and J having to endure my mood swing.
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Flame of Friendship Tag
This one came from Abelle
The Flame of Friendship. A symbol of spirit of unity.The burning icon of love.Undying picture of hope.The hot symbol of oneness. The Flame of Friendship. And now it's your turn to pass on the flame!
Copy this post starting from the PICTURE ABOVE to the end and add your blog on the list below. Let's start FLAMING!
Tiklaton: We are the witness
Janeth's Vicy's Life Journey
My PreciousPitstop
Thea is Blogger Happy
Thea is Berry Scrappy Too
Scribbles of My Life
In This Game of Life
Shimumsy's Republic of A
Princess Vien
Our Journey To Life
Life. Love. Family. Work. Travel.
One Hundred And Eighty Degrees
Rocks God's Gift
Only in Silence
Life In France
I would like to pass this tag to
De' Moment (CHINNEEQ)
Growing Up Together (LING)
Health Freak Mommy
My Longkang (BENGBENG)
Shower Your Children With Love (J0-N)
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Labels: Tags
Sunday, July 6, 2008
2 Injection A Day
We went to visit the gynea on Friday. After a blood test and some examination, I was ordered to start 2 injections at night. Damn... I was so happy on Thursday night thinking that I will start ONLY the stimulation injection the next day and throw away the previous thick and long needle...Sigh... This 2 injections will last for another 12-14 days before the Egg Retrieval. Good Luck to ME! :)
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Shannon's Mummy
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