We went to Kid Parc on Sunday with family of Damian and Brayden. Wow.. It was a super fun day for the kids and a tiring day for us. Let us look at the attractions and the happy faces of the kids.
La Rivière Enchantée - The Delighted River
A boat ride around the Kid Parc!
Le Tonneau Cup - The Barrel Cup
Kid's Océan - Kid's Ocean
Shannon loves the Flying Chair!!
Kid Pêche- Kid Fishes
Fishing up the ducks was one of their favourite!
Kids Nuages - Kids Clouds
Well... The "clouds" was so hot that Shannon refused to go up the second time!
Kid Troie - Kid Troy
There were some obstacles and a slide inside but some of the French Kids were really rough. Shannon went in and got hit by someone and started crying. Then all our bigger kids went in and look after them. The kids loves the slide so much but the "rubber" was kind of hot. Daddy even tore his trousers after sliding down.
Le Trampoline - The Trampoline
Still... the wooden prank and rubber mat was really hot. Then Shannon was getting grouchy after the whole day of playing. Thus she was like whining here and there when she stepped on the hot area.
La Grosse Pomme - The Big Apple
It's a kind of Roller Coaster for the kids. Initially, Shannon was scared but I told her to scream when the roller coaster is going down. After awhile, she started to love it and wanted to sit again and again
Kids Balls
The kids stayed in this pool of balls for about 1 hour. Shannon was shocked when she first jumped into the pool of balls. She dare not move when she was inside as she scare that she will sink inside... hehehehe
La Gare Safari - The Safari Train Station
Another Favourite ride for the kids as they could imagine driving the train.

Kids Circus
Chicken and Duck Session... Because we don't understand what the clown was saying and we just looked at what he was doing. I tried my best to explain to Shannon about what the clown was performing. I believe she will love the Circus next year as she will be learning and picking up French.

L'aquakid - Aqua Kid
A pool whereby all the children and play water which attracted Shannon and Brayden for at least one hour.
There are more attraction like L'arbre De Robinson (Robinson Tree House), Le Bateau Pirate (Viking), La Pieuvre (Merry Go Round).
We reached Kid Parc at 1030am and only left the place at 520pm. Shannon was super tired and fell right into sleep in my arm even before J left the carpark. A really nice place that worth going for umpteen times. ^_^
6 friends commented ^_^:
This place looks fabulous for kids, a place I believe my children would love to visit. Shannon must be very happy although tired.
jas, u always make me feel it is so fun living abroad :)
Wow, one whole day of outing! The park looks really fun!
Walla! If my 4 musketeers were there it would be France disneyland for them! So the fun fun fun lah! Bravo to mommy for having the stamina to go along the whole park the whole day running after little princess!
@ Jo-N - Yeah! Indeed fabulous place for kids!
@ Chinneeq - :) there is always pros and cons.. ;p
@ Health Freak Mommy - Hehehe.. we will be going again!!
@ Renet12 - Woah! Your 4 masketeers will definitely love it!!
Hello there, Jasmine! Come on over and pick up your award ;o)
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