Finally, we went to the first consultation on FET (Frozen Embryos Transfer) with my Gynae yesterday. Our appointment was at 340pm but we reached only at 525pm due to the really really bad traffic jam on the expressway. There were like 4 accident on the road we passed by! Daddy was swearing like nobody business... hehe
Anyway, the Gynea said we will be starting all the necessary examination when my next menses arrive. I have to
1. Make an appointment for my blood test on the 3rd day of the cycle.
2. Book an appointment for a biologist to discuss on how many embryos to transfer.
3. Book an appointment for a Sonohysterogram, a procedure which tests for defects in the lining of the uterus (from adhesions, fibroids, malformations, cesarean or polyps) which could prevent implantation and cause miscarriage.
4. Book an appointment for a "trial" transfer - This simulates the embryo transfer and measures the depth and configuration of the uterine cavity. After a speculum is placed in the vagina, a small flexible transfer catheter is placed through the cervix. This will ensure that the actual embryo transfer is done as gently and carefully as possible.
After all the above is done, I will start the actual (FET) Frozen Embryos Transfer in late October or mid November. If everything goes smoothly, Shannon will have sibling/siblings in Aug/Sept next year!
Crossed our fingers and toes!! :P
Friday, August 31, 2007
First Appointment
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Shannon's Mummy
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Famous Mummy Blogger
I was reading Stef's Blog and came across her post on this blog named Because I Said So, a blog started by a mother of six!!! She started her blog in June 07 on her life with 6 kids + 1 kid (her hubby) after making a name selling her son's baseball bat on the e-bay auction. Here is another of her eBay auction story selling a set of pokemon cards at $0.50 which the bid closed at US142.51 and she also make the News at St.Petersburg Times too..
Check out her blog on her children's deeds if you find your life is miserable with kids!
3 Cheers for her!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Daddy: Shannon, can you help Daddy throw away the rubbish...
Shannon: Yes, I throw...
Daddy: Thank you, Shannon
Shannon: Weldum (welcome)
Daddy: Good Girl!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Monday, August 27, 2007
Missing Yiyi(s) ??
Yesterday, we went to Sunday Market at La Teste with Little Beanie's family at La Teste. We bought some bread and joined our friends we met there for a cup of coffee. Shannon was really happy when she saw her favourite Auntie Siew Hoon, she immediately walked towards her and sat on her lap...
Do you think that Auntie Siew Hoon and Auntie Jo somehow and somewhere looks alike? Or simply because Auntie Siew Hoon and all the Yiyi(s) have long hair?
Auntie Siew Hoon & Shannon SanYi and Shannon
I think she really missed all her YiYis' back in Singapore. SanYi and SanYiZhang love Shannon like their own daughter, they were always patience with her, brought her gaigai whenever they were available. We missed the shopping at Causeway point with them too cos there were always a helping hand to take care of Shannon while we shopped. :P XiaoYi always sing and dance with her making her laugh like mad, brought her to the playground downstairs. ErYi always supplied Shannon with all kinds of beautiful clothes...etc etc Oh.. Shannon loves Auntie Jessica and Auntie Serene too but only when Auntie Siew Hoon is not around.... hehehe.. I think because their hair are shorter than Auntie Siew Hoon lah...She even addressed Auntie Serene as Mama leh...
XiaoYi and Shannon
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Shannon Look like WHO?
Oh Yeah! The fun look alike meter I waited for sometime has finally came out! It's fun! Go try it out...
I think out of 10 person, 9 person commented before that Shannon look more like Daddy since birth and even now. However, after I tried the look alike meter, it's seem that Shannon looks more like me??? I tried putting different photos of us and even put Shannon's baby photos, but she still look more like me leh??? hahaha
I think Daddy will be slightly disappointed when he read this post cos he is always proud that Shannon looks like him... Well,I am more than happy when ppl say that Shannon look like Daddy cos I do not want to take the responsibility of having passed the bad genes to her.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
4 Kids = War
Last night, Dawn came to our house with her sons, Demos and Darryl. We had a short karaoke session despite kids screamings and fighting occasionally.
Demos is 3 years old, the eldest of them all, thus he entertained himself with the toys unless the younger kids disturbed him.
Darryl is 20 month, he was fasinated by the fish tank we have. This was what he did when we were not looking....
1. Put his hand in and tried to catch the fish
2. Created some wave effect in the water
3. Scooped the water with the spoon and drank it
4. Nearly threw some toys and food in
Darryl is the youngest but he is stronger than Damian and Shannon when it comes to snatching toys. His mummy called him commandor...hehe
So most of the screaming came from this 3 fellos..
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What is she eating?
After the previous post, my sis asked me what she was eating in the photo..and the answer is
We used to be quite proud of her when telling others that she doesn't put anything in her mouth while other babies and toddlers put spiders and sands in theirs :P
However, after attending playgroup for 3 months, she started to put everything in her mouth that looked interesting despite whether it is edible or not... At times, we even teased her by asking her how's the taste and whether it was nice... Sometimes after several attempts of persuading her to stop, I will start to put pepper on her fingers when she suck or keep away the items she was chewing on...
I think most probably she is curious why most her friends in her playgroup always have something in their mouth.. their fingers, their soft toys etc... Hopefully she will kick this bad habit soon.
I believe she can do it!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
1 friends commented ^_^
Mischievous Corner
Recently, we discovered that Shannon had a habit of running under the dining table... After much observation, we realised that she actually hide under the dining table to do something that we forbid...
No wonder sometimes I couldn't find her anywhere in the living room... She actually get herself out of sight from us by hiding under the table. She will suck her fingers, chew her toys, bite her fingernails, draw the floor using crayons etc etc .... She will go to her mischievous corner whenever she feels that we will stop her from doing something...
Some evidences taken...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Weird Summer
Summer used to be REALLY warm here (like temp like 35˚C - 40˚C)but this summer is especially cool and sometimes even cold with weekly rain. It feels more like autumn! The weather forecast for 3 days ahead will be raining and the temperature range between 13˚C - 20˚C. Well, we have another month before Autumn really arrive. Let's see whether the coming weeks will be warmer??
Shannon went back for the playgroup after the 3 weeks of holiday. She is adapting quite well these 2 mornings with a bit of whining when I leave the playgroup. Valerie (the caretaker in the playgroup) told me that 2 singaporean kids played well with Shannon this morning during their adaptation period. Damian will be joining Shannon in September, hopefully they won't fight in the playgroup... :P
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
I Miss My Camera
Daddy sent my Camera back to Singapore for repair since it was still under warranty. It will be going to be more than ONE month without Camera. How har?
I took out my old camera and most of photos taken turned out to be .....
xiao liao....
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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BBQ Continues
Last night, Daddy organised a bbq gathering in our garden. Somehow, a few families did not turn up for the BBQ and we ended up having another bbq tonight to clear the leftover food.
Anyway, the gathering on Saturday night was fun. Shannon got to know a new friend called Braydon. Braydon is one month younger than Shannon but Braydon is like 5-8 cm taller than her!!! At last, there is someone who can BULLY Shannon...i think she finally had a taste of being bullied...
Photos taken tonight using my old camera...
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Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Photo & Videos Taken @ La Coccinelle
Shannon loves small animals, thus she enjoyed herself in the mini farm chasing and caressing them. I think her favourite farm animal should be the goat because she could hug and carry it whereas she had to chase the chicks and ducklings.
She took about 6 rides on this petite(mini) train.
The rides in the park are free and we are able to control the starts and stop of the rides too.
Happily bouncing away...
Slides, See-Saw, Merry-Go-Round, Clown Shows, Pyramid Robes, Waterplay etc ...
Toboggan Sack-Slide
This is called Toboggan Sack-Slide. We sat on the sack to slide down instead of sliping in it. It was fun but tiring as we have to walk up to the top. Both the kids couldn't have enough of this and kept on saying "more" "more" till we dragged them away.
This is called Inflatable Toboggan. We need to climb up by stepping the string in the middle section and slide down on the left or right side. Shannon cried when daddy brought her up the first time, thus we walked away. After we finished the park, we came back again and I brought her up again. I taught her how to climb up slowly and she started got hook on this slide too! I find it really fun and it was not as tiring as the Toboggan Sack Slide.
This is called the Tyrolienne. It is for kids above 7 years old but Shannon insisted on playing it. Thus, Daddy had to run to and fro with her while she holds on to the Tyrolienne. Daddy was panting after 3-4 runs, thus I asked him to let her go alone... hehehe... She was doing well at first, but dropped FLAT on her back when she reached the end cos we forgot that there will be a sudden jerk at the end of the Tyrolienne. Luckily, she was unhurt but refused to play anymore. To prevent this incident becoming her nightmare, we played the Tyrolienne ourselves and she got interested and started to play again... Yeah! She is really our brave and adventurer baby.
This park is really a nice place. Not only the kids were enjoying, we had fun too. At least, I don't think I will ever get to bounce on the inflatable bouncer in Singapore... ;P
To see more photos, click here
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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