J went back to work today since his fever totally subsided yesterday and his Medical Leaves had ended. As for me, my cough deteriorated and I am having a bad sore throat. The funny thing is i have very bad sore throat at night and in the morning i will recover. Every night, I would tell myself that I will see a doctor the next day but when the morning came, I didn't feel like seeing as my throat is not painful anymore. ;p Our dear Shannon is still going very strong. Hopefully, the virus doesn't get to her.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
3 Days MC
J went to see a doctor yesterday and was given 3 days MC! He was still having high fever on and off. My sickness is under control and the best thing is that Shannon is still going strong! However, I am still worried that she will kenna the virus sooner or later. Although we tried to air the house by opening the doors and windows in the morning/afternoon, we still sleep in the same room. Maybe I will ask J to sleep in the other room these few days to minimize the spreading of virus. Looking at the poor Daddy, I wouldn't want my dear girl to go thru it...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, May 25, 2008
Virus Virus
Arrgghh.. J was down with fever and cough, I am down with cough and block nose, and Shannon was down with slight cough.. It has been 3 days and none of us seems to get better. I really hope that the virus will go away soon as we will be having a potluck with Western Theme on Friday night..
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, May 23, 2008
After I posted my previous ranting post at Serene's house, I went home with Shannon and saw J meddling with the PC.
ME - Aye? I checked your email and receive no activation email leh?
J - They sent me the activation via sms.
ME - OH!!! GREAT (grinning from ear to ear)
Graphics and Myspace Layouts at pYzam.com
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
Changing Internet Service Provider
Well, half way while updating my blog yesterday morning, I could not get a connection to the Internet. Went to my neighbour's place to borrow her phone to call J.
ME - Dear, why there is no internet connection?
J - Really! GREAT! Wait till I am home then..
ME - #@$%^& (WTF)Wahlao, why you never tell me in advance, I am updating my blog halfway leh...
J - I am going to have my lunch(in irritating voice)
ME - #$$%^&*^%% (In my heart)
Then both of us put down our phone.....
When he came back from work, he had his dinner and played with Shannon for awhile before he started to watch his TV series...
ME- So what happen to the internet connection?
J - Oh, I changed ISP on 14th May. The new ISP needs to take over our phoneline from France Telecom.
Me - So when can we have the internet connection back.
ME - !@##$$$%%^&%#$#$$ (IN MY HEART AGAIN)
So how would you feel? I know we are going to change the ISP few months ago cos it was cheaper than the current one. Frankly, I am quite pissed up with no advance notice and further information provided to me. I guessed its a kind of respect to inform me as I am living in the household too. Moreover, I am using the computer everyday!
This morning, I took the letter from the new ISP to show my friend. GREAT! We will have our internet connection back about 2-3 weeks later!
Awesome Graphics and Myspace Layouts at pYzam.com
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Back To Creche
Today, we sent Shannon to the Creche after 1 month of holiday break. I was quite prepared to accept any whinning from her after a long break. However, to our SURPRISE, she adapted very well. Once she was inside, she went to say bonjour to the caretaker and straight into the other room and started playing with her friends. When we bade farewell to her, she happily hugged us and said goodbye to us and straight away ignored us and started playing with her friends.
A Happy Family
Look at Dawn's figure!!! She don't look like she had given birth at all...LOL
(Photos taken from Dawn's blog)
After sending her to Creche, I accompanied J to buy some stuffs and reached home at about 1120. After I finished cooking his lunch and dinner, I went to Dawn's House. She held a small full month celebration for her 2nd daughter, Nya who arrived last month.
It was a nice gathering as I got to know more friends at the same time. I stayed till 2plus and rushed back to creche to pick Shannon up for Gym Lesson. She was still sleeping soundly when I arrived. Frankly speaking, I hate waking up her during her nap but its either she sleeps for one hour on tuesday and get to sleep early at night. Or take her nap after 4pm and sleep really late that night.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Another Memorable Painting
Another memorable painting done by Shannon!
Well, I casually drew some objects for her to paint and it come out quite well. ;p
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Labels: Art n' Craft, Shannon
Last Day In Singapore
Time flies, 3 weeks of holiday in Singapore ended. J found the holiday too long while I thought it should be longer...lol Anyway, after 3 weeks of shopping, we realised that we bought alot of stuffs to bring back to FRANCE!!! After packing all the luggages, we had 4 check-in luggages and 2 handcarry luggage PLUS another box of 26kg of stuff but will only be sent to France on later date. Luckily, our promotion air tickets actually included a 15kg excess baggage per pax. Our total check in luggage weighed 116kg!!! Luckily the excess was not charged!! LOL
We reached the T3 at about 8 plus and hanged around at the some restaurant. Some of our best friends came to send us off too. Thus, we were busy chatting and taking photos.
After bidding farewell, we boarded the plane and started the journey back to France. Luckily Shannon behaved really well on the plane. After a torturing 12 hr flight, we reached Paris at about 7am. Since our connection flight back to Bordeaux was at 2pm, we check-in into the hotel with Serene & Damien and rested for a few hours.

The hotel was spacious for all of us. I took a shower to freshen up myself. It was defintely much more easy to handle the kids in ONE room then chasing them around in the Airport. After the kids took their nap, we proceeded back to the airport for the next flight.
We reached home at about 4plus pm and started to unpacked our stuff. At 8pm, we stopped unpacking and slept at 10pm. Luckily, this time round Shannon has no jet lag and slept thru the night....
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Happening In Singapore - 3rd Week

Shannon and Nichelle

This photo is taken by Shannon. Not bad right? :)

Mother's Day Dinner cum Farewell dinner with my family.
Something interesting to share is about Shannon. On the first day we arrived in Singapore, we told her that we will be sitting the plane again to go back to france and she readily said YES. On the 3rd day of arrival, same question posted to her and the answer is No. This week, when we post this question to her again, her answer is YES. It seems that she is awared of what we are doing..like unpacking and packing and she has no choice/she goes with the flow LOL
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Happening In Singapore - 2nd Week
That aside, we went to the Zoo on Tuesday with Xiaoyi. After strolling about 2 hours viewing various animal shows, we had our lunch at KFC Restaurant at the Children Area. Had a hard time getting seats cause a school was having Zoo Excursion! After lunch, Shannon started her fun at the playground as well as the water playground. We got her to wash up and continued with our journey after a long while. Soon after that, she started to look tired and her body temperature raised. We cut short our trip and went back home at about 3pm. She took a nap till 6pm before we went for dinner at IMM with SanYi, SanYiZhang, Elyse, XiaoYi and BiaoYi.
Shannon looked perfectly okay when we reached IMM. She was walking around, enjoying her kiddy rides, just being the usual bouncy Shannon. Who knew, when the dinner started at Fish & Co, she started to cling on her Daddy and looked very tired. I had a bad feeling about her sudden raise of tempreture. I took over from Daddy while he was signing the bill and Shannon suddenly had febrile fits in the restaurant. We waited for her fits to end and rushed her to KK Hospital. She was still kind of sleepy after her fits. Xiaoyi was tramautised by the whole thing. Well, you can see the tears rolling from her eyes. Actually kids will be very tired and sleepy after febrile fits but I was still as worried and I keep putting my fingers under her nose to check her breathing. *roll eyes*
After reaching KK Hospital, Shannon was sent to observation ward and was given some instructions to sponge her to get her temperature down. Luckily her fever did subside after the sponging and fever medicine. The doctor checked everything after one or two hours later and concluded that it was viral fever and we were allowed to bring her home. We were told to bring her back if she has another febrile fits in the next 24 hours. Her fever subsided in 2 days followed by a bad flu and cough. Luckily, with one of their medicine which causes drowsiness, we managed to let her have ample rest. Her cough and flu was finally better on Sunday.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Happening In Singapore - 1st Week
Their Semi-D at 6th Ave was GREAT! Just take a look at the photos and you will know. However, it was quite tiring to go up and down the house. Thus, I carried the backpack around with me in case Shannon needed something and I won't have to climb up and down..hahaha..And not fogetting that her dear gugus' were helping me accompanying Shannon up and down the stairs so it was quite alright.

Shannon loved the swimming pool very much.. However it was a deep pool, thus she could only stand at the steps and play with the water. She never had enough of playing with water as you can see her face changed when J picked her up the water...LOL

And sometimes, she won't even care if she was with any clothing and she could just jump down! Shame shame Shannon!
We celebrated my FIL's birthday at Singapore Swimming Club on the 1st week too.
They ordered an Australian Wine and to my surprise, it was really smooth and nice. I never liked red wine and I think I fell in love with Australia Wine after that.
After dinner, we went back to the house for cake cutting. Shannon sticked herself closely to YeYe for the first time as she wanted to help him to blow the candles. She happily sung the Birthday song, kissed Yeye and gave her best smile during photograph time and opened up all Yeye's presents. One of the presents was a tie and Shannon was funny enough to wrap it around Yeye's neck thinking that it was a scarf...lol
We went to the UnderWaterWorld at Sentosa with Da Gugu, Xiao Gugu, Uncle Jon and Xiaoyi. The trip was nice especially when we got to touch the stingray at the entrance of the UnderWaterWorld. Afterwhich, we went to the see the pink dophin show but it was a disappointment to me. Shannon was not interested and probably the reason was cuz the stage was so far away; in addition, the sun was directly shining upon our faces. We couldn't really enjoy the whole show.
That's ALL for 1st week :)
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
We are back!! We reached France on Sunday. The moment we stepped into the house, we tried to on the PC and the powersupply of the pc die on us. ;p J bought a new power supply for the PC last night and fixed the problem. However, after fixing, we heard a weird sound coming out from the PC and decided to leave it until we fix that prob. Thus I am now using my girl's PC to write this post.
Let me settle down first and I will post more about our trip in Singapore ;p
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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