Time flies, 3 weeks of holiday in Singapore ended. J found the holiday too long while I thought it should be longer...lol Anyway, after 3 weeks of shopping, we realised that we bought alot of stuffs to bring back to FRANCE!!! After packing all the luggages, we had 4 check-in luggages and 2 handcarry luggage PLUS another box of 26kg of stuff but will only be sent to France on later date. Luckily, our promotion air tickets actually included a 15kg excess baggage per pax. Our total check in luggage weighed 116kg!!! Luckily the excess was not charged!! LOL
We reached the T3 at about 8 plus and hanged around at the some restaurant. Some of our best friends came to send us off too. Thus, we were busy chatting and taking photos.
After bidding farewell, we boarded the plane and started the journey back to France. Luckily Shannon behaved really well on the plane. After a torturing 12 hr flight, we reached Paris at about 7am. Since our connection flight back to Bordeaux was at 2pm, we check-in into the hotel with Serene & Damien and rested for a few hours.

The hotel was spacious for all of us. I took a shower to freshen up myself. It was defintely much more easy to handle the kids in ONE room then chasing them around in the Airport. After the kids took their nap, we proceeded back to the airport for the next flight.
We reached home at about 4plus pm and started to unpacked our stuff. At 8pm, we stopped unpacking and slept at 10pm. Luckily, this time round Shannon has no jet lag and slept thru the night....
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