3rd week marks our last week in Singapore. Other than buying things, we were busy meeting up our friends and relatives for the last few times. We went to visit J's beloved AH MA, vice versa. Her health was still not bad at 80 plus although there was some ongoing checkup for her heart. I hope that all her check ups will be cleared.

Shannon and Nichelle

This photo is taken by Shannon. Not bad right? :)

Shannon and Nichelle

This photo is taken by Shannon. Not bad right? :)

Mother's Day Dinner cum Farewell dinner with my family.
Something interesting to share is about Shannon. On the first day we arrived in Singapore, we told her that we will be sitting the plane again to go back to france and she readily said YES. On the 3rd day of arrival, same question posted to her and the answer is No. This week, when we post this question to her again, her answer is YES. It seems that she is awared of what we are doing..like unpacking and packing and she has no choice/she goes with the flow LOL
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