Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Visit to Her Nursery

Shannon will be attending Nursery (Ecole Maternelle. School) in coming September. Crystalle, the principal of the crèche had arranged a school visit this morning for Shannon, Damian and Avril. At first, I was worried that the kids would not want to follow Crystalle into the school. However, to my surprise, they went in happily with her. As for us, we went to McDonald's for breakfast while waiting for them.

After about 1hr 15min, we went back to the school and fetch them. Crystalle told us that the kids enjoyed the new school. They kept quiet in the classroom listening to lessons and ate some cakes. The kids joined the recess time and played for awhile. Well, Shannon wet her pants because she was too engrossed in running around the school. Crystalle told us that she was very proud of the 3 kids as they adapted very well. The principal of the maternalle also told Christalle that most of the Singaporean kids will start their first day crying and crying. Well and of cos, three of us were very proud of our kids. ^_^

After the school visit, we brought them back to McDonald's for lunch and let them played in the indoor playground. We left about 1 hr later and proceeded to Gujan Lake for more!!! As we do not want them to go too near to the lake, I told Shannon that there might be crocodiles in the lake. LOL.. Then she saw Damian running towards the Lake and she shouted

"No, Damian! Later Crocodile Snap You! Then No more Damian!!! funny...

They proceeded to the playground and played for 1 hr, and we brought them home. I bathed her and she fell asleep within a short while.

4 friends commented ^_^:

Megan and Ryan said...

wow, gonna be freedom for you when Shannon starts nursery ;)

I missed the days in France...boring at times but quiet & layback.

Chinneeq said...

living abroad isn't so bad after all...Shannon is really lucky to enjoy her childhood there :)

Bengbeng said...

so glad there is no trauma form the new school. sometimes it happens in a new environment

Shannon's Mummy said...

@Seline - Yeah! I miss Freedom...

@chineeq - hehehe...cannot be better..

@bengbeng - Ya. I was worried at first too :P