J had his broken ankle reviewed last Thursday.
We had a shocked when we saw the "blue black" above. The Orthopedic told us that it was normal. His ankle was still swollen although X-ray showed improvement. The Orthopedic put a new cast on his leg and this cast will only be removed 1 month later. J need to go back to work asap as company audit is approaching thus he rejected the additional MC given. However, J was warned to put up his leg on the other chair even he is doing desk bound job. Which means, J will be going back to work on 16th July.
His NEW Cast...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
J's Review
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Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, June 27, 2008
Summer Sales
Summer Sales started!!!
We have already spent abt 200 euros and its just the beginning of the sales.. wakakakaka
Damn.. the sales here is really SALES..not like the ones back home. I just couldn't resist buying ...hahahaha
We bought this slide for Shannon at 30% discount which is 76 euros.
Dresses above cost me abt 5 euros/pc
These are for my niece which cost me less than 8 Euros.
These are for Shannon which cost me less than 20 Euros!
Opps.. I still need to go Bordeaux to get some clothes from ZARA!!! Ohno.. I don't have a budget when it come to Sales.. I better stay at home and play my online games to spend lesser..... hahahahaha
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Shannon's Mummy
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Labels: Dailybits
Look at the needles I am using! It is LONGER then J's needle. Anyway I didn't tear anymore after the first injection. The pain doesn't decrease after I tear or make noise..sigh.. I'm kind of accepting the fact that I have to go thru all this pain to try for No.2. More to come....sigh...
The timing is really bad. J is injured and I have to go thru the Egg Retrieval in one mth's time. Well, hope that everything will go well.
Ohya.. I have taken over to do the injection for J instead. Well, that's cuz he finally understand that its not easy to do self injection. Hehehe
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Summer Summer
Summer is here!!
However, I bet this Summer will be boring for us. Firstly, J injured his ankle. He can't go anywhere far or long using the crutches. Secondly, I started my IVF thingy. Think we had to spend more time in the garden instead. LOL
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, June 22, 2008
Busy Busy
It had been a really busy week and there's 3 more weeks to go because J had 30 days MC instead of 10 days. He will need to go for review this Wednesday and hopefully his cast can be removed. He is using crutches now to move about but I have to serve him most of time. Ohya.. He has to take daily injections when his leg is casted so as to prevent blood clot when he's casted and he's doing the injections himself.
Now, he know how's the pain/fear like when I was going thru IVF. Talking about that, I started another round of IVF yesterday. They changed the protocol which means I would be taking daily injections for 1 month. Gosh.. I couldn't control my tears yesterday as the needle was thicker than those previously used. I get so grouchy yesterday whenever the thought of the needle going into my stomach comes into my mind. I really hope all the physcial pain and emotional stress that I'm going through would be worthwhile.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Congratulation of the Arrival of Asher
Congratulation to Johnny and Lily!! Their handsome little boy was born last Tuesday. 3 claps for Mummy Lily and Baby Asher!! After so many hiccups, Asher baby was finally out from mummy's tummy. The poor baby was vaccumed out and was really traumatised by it as the first vaccum broke while trying to pull him out (Can you imagine the doctor even fell down on the floor while pulling??).
Anyway, everything is over. Baby Asher's head is also back in his beautiful shape. We were so honoured to watch him taking his FIRST Bath too. The nurse was really careful and caring while handling him.
Congrats again!! :)
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Labels: Friendsbits, Scrapbooking
Monday, June 16, 2008
Ankle Fractured
J did n0t sprained his ankle but FRACTURE it when playing soccer with his friend yesterday(letting out a big SIGH) He is not a soccer person and he doesn't even fancy watching football match. Moreover, I can't remember when is the last time he excercised. He must have injured himself during some stunt he tried to perform...hehehe
His left ankle was really swollen and he can hardly can put weight on it last evening. I suggested to fetch him to the hospital while asking Serene to take care of Shannon for us. After the X-ray, it was confirmed that his ankle was fractured with partial break in one of the bone. I took a look at the X-ray and it showed about 3/4 crack in that bone!!!
Anyway, his lower leg was plaster-casted and he was given 10 days MC. I will get his medicine tomorrow as all the pharmacy is closed. Funny right?? Ohya... need to get crutches for him as well.
Frankly, year 2008 has been quite unlucky for him. He fell sick for a few times and now he "broke" his ankle. I really hope his luck will get better after this incident. Anyway, J the emperor will be enjoying being serve by me for next 2 weeks and there goes my precious "ME" time.
In other words, who is more unlucky???? :P
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day

Initially, this "clay pot" was a father's day gift from Shannon. She did it in the creche with her friends. However, she refused to give it to him wholeheartedly..LOL.. I tried to get her color something for her daddy and this is the best she can do...hahaha

Well, this piece of digital scrapbooking is from me to you, J...
Happy Father's Day!

However, it was not HIS lucky day.. He sprained his ankle badly this afternoon. Hope he gets well soon.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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What Should a Preschooler Know?
I always wondered how much shannon knew......
1 * Understands big and little. ----------YES
2 * Understands long and short. ---------YES
3 * Matches shapes or objects based on size. ---------- YES
Colors and Shapes
4 * Recognizes and names primary colors. ----------YES ,yellow, blue, red, purple, orange, green, black, white
5 * Recognizes circles. ----------YES
6 * Recognizes rectangles. ----------YES
7 * Matches shapes or objects based on shape. ----------YES
8 * Copies shapes. ---------- circle
9 * Counts orally through 10. ----------YES
10 * Counts objects in one-to-one correspondence. ----------YES
11 * Understands empty and full. ----------YES
12 * Understands more and less. ----------YES
Position and Direction
13 * Understands up and down. ----------YES
14 * Understands in and out. ----------YES
15 * Understands front and back. ----------YES
16 * Understands over (on) and under. ----------YES
17 * Understands top, bottom, middle. ----------only top & bottom
18 * Understands beside and next to. ----------YES
19 * Understands hot and cold. ----------YES
20 * Understands fast and slow. ----------YES
21 * Understands day and night. ----------YES
22 * Knows age and birthday. ----------still learning
Reading Readiness
23 * Remembers objects from a given picture. ----------sometimes
24 * Knows what a letter is. ----------still learning
25 * Has been read to frequently. ----------YES
26 * Has been read to daily. ----------almost
27 * Looks at books and magazines. ----------sometimes
28 * Recognizes some nursery rhymes. ----------YES
29 * Identifies parts of the body. ----------YES
30 * Identifies objects that have a functional use. ----------YES
31 * Knows common farm and zoo animals. ----------YES
32 * Pronounces own first name. ----------YES
33 * Pronounces own last name. ----------YES
34 * Expresses self verbally. ----------YES
35 * Identifies other children by name ----------YES
36 * Tells the meaning of simple words. ----------YES
37 * Repeats a sentence of 6-8 words. ----------YES
38 * Completes incomplete sentence with proper word. ----------NO
39 * Has own books. ----------YES
40 * Understands that print carries a message. ----------YES
41 * Pretends to read. ---------- YES
42 * Uses left-to-right progression. ----------YES
43 * Answers questions about a short story. ----------YES
44 * Tells the meaning of words heard in story. ----------sometimes
45 * Looks at pictures and tells a story. ----------YES
46 * Identifies own first name in manuscript. ----------sometimes
47 * Prints own first name. ----------NO
Listening and Sequencing
48 * Follows simple directions. ----------YES
49 * Listens to a short story. ----------YES
50 * Listens carefully. ----------YES
51 * Recognizes common sounds. ----------YES
52 * Repeats a sequence of sounds. ----------YES
53 * Repeats a sequence of orally given numbers. ----------YES
54 * Retells simple stories in sequence. ----------YES
Motor Skills
55 * Is able to run. ----------YES
56 * Is able to walk a straight line. ----------YES
57 * Is able to jump. ----------YES
58 * Is able to hop. ----------YES
59 * Is able to alternate feet walking down stairs. ----------YES
60 * Is able to march. ----------YES
61 * Is able to stand on one foot for 5-10 seconds. ----------YES
62 * Is able to walk backwards for five feet. ----------YES
63 * Is able to throw a ball. ----------YES
64 * Pastes objects. ----------YES
65 * Claps hands. ----------YES
66 * Matches simple objects. ----------YES
67 * Touches fingers. ----------YES
68 * Able to button a garment. ---------- NO
69 * Builds with blocks. ----------YES
70 * Completes simple puzzles (5 pieces or less). ----------YES 20pcs at the moment
71 * Draws and colors beyond ----------sometimes
72 * a simple scribble. ----------YES
73 * Able to zip a zipper. ----------YES
74 * Controls pencil and crayon well. ----------YES
75 * Cuts simple shapes. ----------NO
76 * Handles scissors well. ----------YES
77 * Able to copy simple shapes. ----------circle
Social-Emotional Development
78 * Can be away from parents or primary care givers for 2-3 hours without being upset. ---YES
79 * Takes care of toilet needs independently. ----------YES
80 * Feels good about self. ----------YES
81 * Is not afraid to go to school. ----------YES
82 * Cares for own belongings. ----------YES
83 * Knows full name. ----------YES
84 * Dresses self. ----------sometimes
85 * Knows how to use handkerchief or tissue. ----------YES
86 * Knows own sex. ----------still learning
87 * Brushes teeth. ----------YES with help
88 * Crosses residential street safely. ----------sometimes
89 * Asks to go to school. ----------YES
90 * Knows parents' names. ----------NO
91 * Knows home address. ----------NO
92 * Knows home phone number. ----------NO
93 * Enters into casual conversation. ----------sometimes
94 * Carries a plate of food. ----------YES
95 * Maintains self-control. ----------sometimes
96 * Gets along well with other children. ----------YES
97 * Plays with other children. ----------YES
98 * Recognizes authority. ----------YES
99 * Shares with others. ----------sometimes
100 * Talks easily. ----------YES
101 * Likes teachers. ----------YES
102 * Meets visitors without shyness. ----------most of the time
103 * Puts away toys. ----------YES when requested
104 * Able to stay on task. ----------sometimes
105 * Able to work independently.----------sometimes
106 * Helps family with chores. ----------YES
I need to improve on those that are marked in RED... If you are interested, you can go to this website to check out for more
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
friends commented ^_^
Labels: Shannon
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Making O-Ni
Some of my friends asked me for the recipe of the O-Ni. I don't have the exact info of the required amount for each ingredients. But trust me, it is easy!!! Of cos the taste is not as good as what you ate in the Teochew Restaurant but it is satisfying enough when you are overseas.
Ingredients -
2-3 Yam (cut into small piece)
Sugar (Add to taste)
Oil (if you wan it to be more fragrant, you can use the pork oil)
Pandan Leave (2-3 leaves)
Gingko Nuts (1 can)
Coconut milk (lightly boil a bowl of it)
Step 1
Steam the Yam till it is very soft (usually I will use pressure cooker because it is faster)
Step 2
Blend the yam with some water with blender till it is smooth. Too little water will be difficult to make the paste smooth. But the paste would be too dilute if too much water is added. So.. good luck.. Hahahahaha
Step 3
Heat the oil, and pour the paste in and stir for 5-10min.
Add pandan leaves and continuing stiring till fragrant.
Add sugar to taste
Lastly, add the Gingko Nuts and stir awhile more
Add desired coconut milk to individual bowl of O-Ni!!!
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Last week, I got her to help me to peel the shell of some hard boiled eggs. Initially, we are doing it together till she requested to peel all of them...
Look how serious she is...LOL
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Friday, June 13, 2008
Mahjong & O-Ni
Shannon stayed in school from 830am - 1730am with Zavier, Avril & Damien today. Thus, we, mothers had a great day, gathering at Stephanie's House. First, we had deep fried carrot cake for breakfast. Then, I started to teach them how to make O-Ni (Yam Paste).
The O-Ni was quite successful except that it could be smoother. And they finally agreed that it was EASY...LOL
After the O-Ni, we started our Mahjong Session. It has been 2 years since I last played Mahjong. Actually I love playing Mahjong but most of my friends doesn't play. Moreover, I don't really have the time to play Mahjong after Shannon was born. Well, it was a nice gathering and I am looking forward to another one...LOL...
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
A Visit to Her Nursery
Shannon will be attending Nursery (Ecole Maternelle. School) in coming September. Crystalle, the principal of the crèche had arranged a school visit this morning for Shannon, Damian and Avril. At first, I was worried that the kids would not want to follow Crystalle into the school. However, to my surprise, they went in happily with her. As for us, we went to McDonald's for breakfast while waiting for them.
After about 1hr 15min, we went back to the school and fetch them. Crystalle told us that the kids enjoyed the new school. They kept quiet in the classroom listening to lessons and ate some cakes. The kids joined the recess time and played for awhile. Well, Shannon wet her pants because she was too engrossed in running around the school. Crystalle told us that she was very proud of the 3 kids as they adapted very well. The principal of the maternalle also told Christalle that most of the Singaporean kids will start their first day crying and crying. Well and of cos, three of us were very proud of our kids. ^_^
After the school visit, we brought them back to McDonald's for lunch and let them played in the indoor playground. We left about 1 hr later and proceeded to Gujan Lake for more!!! As we do not want them to go too near to the lake, I told Shannon that there might be crocodiles in the lake. LOL.. Then she saw Damian running towards the Lake and she shouted
"No, Damian! Later Crocodile Snap You! Then No more Damian!!!
Wakakakaka...so funny...
They proceeded to the playground and played for 1 hr, and we brought them home. I bathed her and she fell asleep within a short while.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Dance
Yesterday, I brought the tripod and managed to film the Indiana dance we did at the gym. Everyone was enjoying and 2 of our friends has volunteered to perform this Saturday.
The baby gym class is ending soon.... I guess everyone will miss it... The next gym class will start in September and the kids will be attending themselves. I am still thinking whether to enrol Shannon or not.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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Sunday, June 8, 2008
Before & After
After all the "Chap Ba Lang" medicine and drinks I put into my mouth, my throat felt better today. :P
J is not working overtime this weekend as the garden really requires his attention. The leaves are over-grown and some of the length of the grasses had reached out knee. We also need to get rid of the "christmas" tree as it started to grow bigger and part of it had rot due to lack of caring...lol We need to clean Shannon's house, bicycles, balls, petit swimming pool, tables etc for SUMMER usage. :)
While cleaning the stuffs, Shannon got hold of the hose and sprayed the water at us. Well, we had lots of fun trying to hide away from her. Her laughter made our day!! As she was also almost wet from playing the water, we might as well let her play in the petit swimming pool for awhile before dragging her to the bathroom.
After Shannon woke up from her nap, we proceed to the new Vietnamese Restaurant for dinner.
memories jotted down by
Shannon's Mummy
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