Thursday, November 22, 2007

Waiting Game Begins

I have one embryo transferred this morning. The Biologist said she had made a mistake this morning on the numbers of embryos being thawed. They thawed total of 6 embryos and only ONE survived which mean NO blastocyst stage embryo was cultivated. The biologist said the quality of this embryo was good and had "high potential" to succeed. Thus, I am having a 3 days embryo in my uterine cavity now, implantation will probably happen 2-3 days later. (Finger crossed)

Dr. Lechat said I can "live normally" after the transfer. I doesn't need bed rest and can resume daily activities right away. She mentioned that there is no scientific result that showed bed-rest increase the rate of implantation. I will have the first blood test on 3 December and 6 December to confirm whether I am pregnant.In other words, I have no frozen embryo left. If I am not pregnant this time, I will need to go thru the Full IVF procedures again which can be quite torturing. I dare not have too much hope too because I am down with bad cough now which I already anticipated before the whole thing started. Dr Lechat said I couldn't take any medicine now except for Panadol which mean I am going to cough my lungs out. :( . "Sigh" Anyway, it was really "suay" to get it now and hopefully my immune system doesn't affect the success rate of the implantation.

9 friends commented ^_^:

Chinneeq said...

Jasmine, hugs to you...hope u really rest well and get all the rest you should be getting....

take care yeah.

Anonymous said...

Thx for dropping by my blog, i didn't think anybody read my private blog for whining.:-)
Good luck to you, hope it will be a success.

Mommy Lose Weight said...

take care and good luck :)

Megan and Ryan said...

good luck, it will be a success :P

Shannon's Mummy said...

@chinneeq - Thanks for the hugz! :)

@leah - Thanks for your wishing!

@ling - Thanks!! :P

@Missy M's Mummy : Thanks for your luck! And Congratulation on your pregnancy!!

Anonymous said...

All the best. My prayers are with you.

Take it easy and have a great weekend.

Shannon's Mummy said...

@ Judy - Thanks for your prayers! :)

Lilian said...

All the best Jasmine and rest lots.

My older boy has been coughing so badly for the past week, even with cough mixture :( so take care!

Shannon's Mummy said...

@ lilian - Thanks, dear

Oh.. is it the weather in Mosco?.. It is so painful to see the kids coughing..